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Ok, so what do we mean, 'gene bank'?


A gene bank is a genetic library that stores and preserves genetic material from various organisms, particularly plants, animals, and microorganisms - and in our case, coral. The intention is to safeguard the diversity of the selected reef ecosystem in order to avoid a future of mono-cultured reefs. Genetic diversity is the foundation of biodiversity, and if maintained, will allow for species' adaptation, resilience, and evolutionary potential.


How we utilize a gene bank to preserve coral reefs? 

An organized, and easily mappable structured park, yet completely outside of anything explored in conservation.


Traditionally, coral restoration efforts often lack appeal for tourists and passersby, as they primarily involve utilitarian structures functional frames for coral harvesting. However, our goal is to combine this scientific efficacy with artistic elements that spark curiosity and captivate swimmers who may have little knowledge about coral. By incorporating art pieces, we aim to provoke questions and actively engage individuals in the importance of coral conservation.


Every sculptural park is distinct, featuring a completely unique design and layout specifically tailored to complement the resort and village partnership. The designs place significant emphasis on creating sheltered areas for fish houses, as well as providing essential elevated shelter for the coral, fostering a conducive environment for its growth and protection from predators. By cultivating varying coral species, we avoid restoring damaged ecosystems with mono-cultured corals, which would result in a less productive and resilient environment. Taking away a reef's rich biodiversity will diminish its chances of survival. By conserving rare and resilient coral genetics, we are boosting the coral biodiversity that is vital for the success of the reef.

Our sculptures are meticulously crafted with the specific purpose of growing climate-resilient coral, gradually transforming into an artificial reef as time progresses. The coral is grown to spawning maturity allowing for natural propagation.Then, fragments can be harvested

and planted onto secondary nurseries or back out onto damaged reefs.


Dive operators, hoteliers, restaurants and the local communities gain new marketing opportunities and an added revenue stream thus becoming stakeholders in their environment. In many cases, our sculptures can be used as a study site for scientists and marine biologists to have a controlled environment to study coral.

Counting Coral Sculptural Installation
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